body measurment and clothes choosing»
scheme of usually required dimensions for clothes choosing |
k1 - hip circumference k2 - waist k3 - chest circumference, measured with breast, at the widest point k4 - neck circumference k5 - dimension measured from the upper edge of a belt to ankle k6 - height k7 - arms span k8 - distance from 7 cervical vertebra to the end of gluteal muscle
m1 - hip circumference m2 - waist m3 - chest circumference m4 - neck circumference m5 - dimension measured from the upper edge of a belt to ankle m6 - height m7 - arms span m8 - a distance of 7 cervical vertebra to the end of gluteal muscle

in order to properly arms span measure, pull both arms in front of you (keeping them parallel at shoulder width) and measure the distance from wrist to wrist, leading by back as in the picture above; measuring span with arms outstretched to the sides is inappropriate and gives an incorrect result. |
how to measure the length of your back? |

back length is the dimension measured from the seven cervical vertebrae to the end of the gluteal muscle. |
how to choose a gi jacket?
1. measure the arms span and choose a jacket which has got a sleeves span roughly the same as your arms span (sleeves span may even be slightly higher than your arm span); remember that after the first washing this dimention will shrink approx. 5-6%; sleeves should not extend higher than 5cm above the wrist at the arms of abandoned along the body; 2. jacket can not be too tight, because you will not have the comfort, it can not also be too loose not to disturb during training; measure the chest circumference at the widest point or the waist (depending on which size is bigger) and choose a jacket which 2x width is bigger than the measured circumference by approx. 18-22%; remember that a jacket will shrink approx. 5-6% after the first wash; 3. lenght of a jacket is sometimes a matter of preference or regulations; usually it should end at the ponit where a gluteal muscle finishs and a thigh starts or slightly lower; a jacket's lenght will correspond to k8/m8 dimentions + 10-15cm (see above).
how to choose a pants?
1. a trousers length is more or less k5/m5 dimension; usually where you tie a belt you will also tie a trousers; remember that after the first wash pants will shrink approx. 5-6% and should not extend higher than 5cm above the ankle; 2. pants can not be too tight for comfort keeping, it can not also be too loose; measure the circumference of your hips at the widest point and choose pants which 2x width is bigger than the measured hip circumference by approx. 18-22%; remember that trousers will shrink approx. 5-6% after the first wash;
how to select a belt?
depents on dojo/club etiquette or regulations a belt can be tie around waist singly or doubly; the most common way is double; measure your waist (be dressed in gi) and choose a belt which lenght is 2 times bigger than taken dimmention plus 50-80cm for a node and ends;
how to choose hakama?
you should not choose a hakama only base on high; hakama binding is an individual matter and varies according to gender and body shape; men usually tie a hakama low on hips, a woman above - at the waist; therefore we offer women's hakama longer than men's for the same height; to choose correctly a hakama you need to know three things: 1. what place you will bind your hakama, 2. where do you want your hakama to end, 3. waist; ref.1 and 2 - most often it is assumed that a hakama is bound 4-5cm above a standard judo belt or equally with a top edge of kaku obi; most often it is assumed that a hakama should end 1 cm below an ancle; so before choosing the size of a hakama wear a belt or kaku obi and take the body side measurement from the top edge of a judo belt/kaku obi to a place where a hakama should end; remember that in the case of a judo belt add 4-5cm to the result; ref. 3 - this section applies only to persons who have a larger waist than hips circumference; after the measurement check if a length of a front hakama himo is enough to make a tie 4 times and will remain approx. 40-50cm for node; PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR COTTON HAKAMA WE WILL AD RESERVE FOR SHRINKAGE BY OURSELVES.
individual hakama dimentions
to be albe to sew your individual hakama we neet to know 3 dimentions: 1. waist, 2. hip circumference (best if measured on dressed gi) 3. hakama's lenght (dimentions from a top edge of himo to a bottom of a hakama); a way of measuring a length of hakama we give in the subjet "how to choose hakama" (above). PLEASE NOTE THAT FOR COTTON HAKAMA WE WILL AD RESERVE FOR SHRINKAGE BY OURSELVES.